Aminet 30
Aminet 30 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1999].iso
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334 lines
The Chat!
Today, we have just two people on the chat. I thought there would be more,
but no-one else turned up. Me and Sam Brooks is all you're going to get
tonight. Bear in mind this is the first ever talk of this nature so you
have to excuse the fact that the bloody chat room we used was sh... crap :).
Ah, and I didn't mean to call Amiga Format 'Bloody Idiots'. :)
Here's who's chatting and their aliases:
Trogladite - That's me! Neil, The Editor! Yes, you know the one :)
Ami Gerbil - Sam Brooks. Both of us using a cacky PC :(
Trogladite: Right. Sorry about the delay. I was replying to your Email
(still haven't finished).
ami-gerbil: i almost logged off
ami-gerbil: whats this all about then
Trogladite: just general chat. You've seen Nick Anderson's work on AF?
ami-gerbil: hello?
ami-gerbil: yep - my web site is full of nicks stuff
Trogladite: hi. Nick Anderson? remember?
Trogladite: Argh! This is slow!
ami-gerbil: my humour section (200 pages) is just from nick!
Trogladite: Right. Nick anderson has Conference type things in his Diskmag.
I thought I might try it.
ami-gerbil: I hate though bloody banners at the top
ami-gerbil: cool - how you recording it
ami-gerbil: cut`n`paste
Trogladite: I'm recording it using cut'n'paste. yep
Trogladite: Trouble is, the text is scrolling off the top!
ami-gerbil: OK
ami-gerbil: Glad you liked my articles
Trogladite: Yes, they were good.
ami-gerbil: your right this is too slow
Trogladite: Just a quick word, I'm going to have to keep going to Notepad
and copying text from here to it.
ami-gerbil: ok- that won`t matter much, its slow any way
ami-gerbil: a few second ain`t gonna make ant difference
Trogladite: Did you miss me. Internet Explorer just bloody crashed!
ami-gerbil: is Antoni gonna join?
ami-gerbil: I get that a lot too - I got an ad for netscape at top of mypage
Trogladite: He can't. He's not here. He doesn't live here and there's only
one compuer on the net.
Trogladite: My banner's disappeared :) weird.
Trogladite: Hey, sam, are you on ICQ?
ami-gerbil: ICQ? whats that?
Trogladite: ICQ, you get a number and you can have decent real time chat
with people. Better than this crap :)
ami-gerbil: Don`t think so
ami-gerbil: No
Trogladite: Go to www.mirabilis.com and download the program (PC only)
Trogladite: It lets you keep track of people you know and if they are
online or not. It's cool.
ami-gerbil: my Amiga ain`t on the net I have to use a PC - PC only don`t
Trogladite: My ICQ number is 27873010. Just type it in your contact list
when you get ICQ.
ami-gerbil: you mean a pager thing?
Trogladite: Then you can see when I'm online and instantly contact me!
Trogladite: Something like a pager type thing. Yes, I'd recommend it.
Trogladite: You'll be receiving an Email from me soon, by the way.
ami-gerbil: by the way, have you done a review of Simon Hitchens (?)
Revenge game?
Trogladite: I've heard of Revenge, never played it though.
ami-gerbil: oh and some of MY revenge heads are on AFCD 36 or whatever the
Feb one is
Trogladite: So, no I haven't reviewed it :)
ami-gerbil: Its brill and on some AFCD
Trogladite: OH!!! Hold on, Revenge. I remember! The thing where you go
around shooting everything
ami-gerbil: I`ll do that as my first PD review
ami-gerbil: hats the game!
Trogladite: Cool.Look forward to it.
ami-gerbil: thats the game even
ami-gerbil: did you get the photots of me?
Trogladite: Yes, I got the photos. I'm writing a reply to the email soon.
ami-gerbil: Is n`t Antony the games editor?
Trogladite: Right. Lodis Cola vs Farm House Lemonade!
Trogladite: Oh, yes, Antony's the game ed. I wrote all 3 reviews though :)
ami-gerbil: If you want, I can do commercial games
ami-gerbil: whats wrong with farm stores lemonade
Trogladite: review whatever you can get your hands on!
Trogladite: The more articles we have, the better :)
ami-gerbil: i`m not saying lodis cola is bad
ami-gerbil: but i prefere FS lemonade
ami-gerbil: god this is pissing me off. not you - the speed!
Trogladite: I'm not saying Farm Stores lemonade is bad. That was a heated
argument, eh? :)
Trogladite: Yes, the speed... er, speed... what speed? :)
ami-gerbil: we type something and it end up after something else
Trogladite: It's not what can be described as fast.
ami-gerbil: speed of this IRC
ami-gerbil: see what I mean about one of my prev staements
Trogladite: Yes. I think we should type something and then wait for the
other person to reply before continuing.
Trogladite: hehe. This is annoying!
ami-gerbil: If you want help with that Blitz thing, why don`t you tell the
readers about it and they can e-mail you
ami-gerbil: tell the readers here that is
Trogladite: Hmm. My Amiga's just crashed behind me. Wonder why :(
ami-gerbil: I`ve gotta go in 10 mins
Trogladite: Oh yes, readers, how do you read input from GTPalette? HELP ME
Trogladite: 10 mins, ok. I can just about stand this speed for that length
of time.
ami-gerbil: I didn`t think that code i gave you would work
ami-gerbil: sorry!
ami-gerbil: :)
Trogladite: Oh, thanks for putting a link to my site on yours.
ami-gerbil: you still recording this?
Trogladite: Change of subject, can I take it that you probably don't like
the music I like?
Trogladite: Yes, I'm still recording
ami-gerbil: sorry about that, IE just performed an illegal op
Trogladite: The music, if you've forgotten is The Corrs, B*Witched and Queen
ami-gerbil: show just how luck people using amigas for internet acces are!
Trogladite: hehe. Unreliable thing, IE.
ami-gerbil: music sorry
ami-gerbil: heavy metal is the best
ami-gerbil: heavy metal is the best
ami-gerbil: oop sorry only meant to put that once
Trogladite: My current fave group is the Corrs.
Trogladite: I've got their album playing at the moment.
ami-gerbil: my fav group is white zombie
ami-gerbil: haha part of this thingy has crashed - you know the banner at
top its cant find URL! haha
Trogladite: Happened to me aswell. It doesn't try to load it in again now.
Trogladite: The banner I mean... god this is slow!
ami-gerbil: what the hell has windoze just done
Trogladite: why?
ami-gerbil: that speed it up a bit
ami-gerbil: that speed it up a bit
Trogladite: I think it has speeded up slightly. Dunno though.
ami-gerbil: the connection bit telling me how long i`ve been on for has gone
Trogladite: Ever been on IRC (DALnet) on #Windows95 and taken the piss out
of everyone there :)
ami-gerbil: hold on i`ll be back in a few minutes
Trogladite: okeydokey.
Trogladite: dum de dum :)
Trogladite: tra la la :-)
Trogladite: hmm. Just check my Email I think.
Trogladite: mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
ami-gerbil: i`m back
ami-gerbil: i`m back
ami-gerbil: had to reset windoze
Trogladite: good. I've sent the reply to your Email to you.
Trogladite: Sorry about saying 'Ami-Gerbil' instead of 'AMI-Gerbil'
Trogladite: argh! sh.. crap :)
ami-gerbil: this things crapped up again
ami-gerbil: have you got febs Amiga Format?
ami-gerbil: i got it on sat
ami-gerbil: got it handy
ami-gerbil: hold on
Trogladite: oh. yes, I've got it handy.
Trogladite: argh! This is crap!
ami-gerbil: turn to page 33
ami-gerbil: and you will see my (s**t) game
Trogladite: I got mine on Friday :)
ami-gerbil: look at author
Trogladite: Hold on, I'll have to remeber how to read first :)
ami-gerbil: ha ha
Trogladite: :) Right. got it. 'Needs a lot of Polishing up'.
ami-gerbil: oh ye - if nick anderson is reading this, I`ve borowed some of
your humour for my web page, but have said its by you!
ami-gerbil: thats the one
Trogladite: I've read the review. Can't play the game. Bloody idiots didn't
puit any readergames on the CD!
ami-gerbil: you can download it from www.ami-gerbil.freeserve.co.uk/HPc4.htm
the HP must be in upper case
Trogladite: OK. I'll go get it sometime.
ami-gerbil: so i didn`t get a shit copy - phew
ami-gerbil: don`t call AF bloody idiots - we want this on their CD
Trogladite: good point. Sorry oh mighty ones at AF :)
ami-gerbil: ye - what he said
Trogladite: :) Time to bring this to a close I think. I've been online for
over 2 hours :)
ami-gerbil: I think we should continue this next time - I`ve got a great
private IRC at excite that is near enough instant!!
ami-gerbil: i`ll e-mial you the details
Trogladite: Good. Send me more details through email, We'll use it! But for
now, goodbye!
ami-gerbil: oth have PCs we should talk about the demo of QNX next time
ami-gerbil: see ya
Trogladite: yes. I have yet to try it, but I will. See you then!